As has become traditional now we sent out our Christmas Cards at the beginning of the month and (we know we’re biased) Anne’s creativity has impressed us yet again this year.
It’s also been considerably easier on her hands than cutting out three hundred penguins was the other year!

It also means that before we can sign off for the holiday break and wish you all the appropriate seasons greetings, we probably ought to put you out of your misery and let you have the answers to the various quizzes! And so, in no particular order…
The Crossword answers:
The Wordsearch answers:
The anagram answers:
Cathe Mr Starfish
Father Christmas
Rhys scram timer
Merry Christmas
Fortyfold rumor tax
From Taylor Tuxford
Ewan pay ph Rey
Happy New Year
We’re planning on closing the office from lunchtime on Friday 21st December until the New Year, so we’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and relaxed Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year for 2019.